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Questions 8

Question 8  Discuss the possible positive and negative media effects a product you have studied might have on it's audience PLAN:  Having an impact:  Hypodermic needle- media messages are injected directly into the brain of passive audience (influenced by message) Desensitisation- exposure to violent images numbs effects of them (e.g seeing a violent graphic will not make you feel sensitive/shocked and therefore can easily IMITATE Male Gaze (Mulvey)- Games with male characters- making girls feel inferior Moral Panic (Cohen)- media creates fear in population over an issue that appears to threaten or harm. Anderson- Book focussed on  exposure to media violence increases the likelihood of agressive violent behaviour  in young people.  - The study was based on research carried out oon effects of violence in TV,Film,Music and video games Not having an impact:  Uses and gratification- media used for social interaction (as a way to interact with others- build relationships), entertainment