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Newspaper: Ownership

Newspaper: Ownership  

- The Sun (tabloid) + Independent newspapers (broadsheet)

Tabloid-tabloid is a newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs. Tabloids are often considered to be less serious than other newspapers. 

Broadsheet- A standard or full sized newspaper that takes a serious look at major news stories.

The Independent 

- Last printed- 26th March 2016 - only digital editions 

- Launched as a competitor for free papers, cost 20p when first published - owned by JPIMedia

- INDEPENDENT HOMEPAGE: pop-up advertising as a means of generating revenue 

SOCIAL MEDIA- both the independent and the sun has usual social media/ more political stories- formal 

The Sun

- 1.1m subscribers

- Tv style video bulletins 

- Adverts before clips 

- live streams 

- Most popular video- 18m views - 238K likes

- ADVERTISING- above the line (tv ads/billboard) 

- WEBSITE- Specific pop up ads

- SOCIAL MEDIA- both the independent and the sun has usual social media/ less political stories- gossip/ has snapchat (reflect target audience)

Above the Line, or ATL Marketing, refers to generally untargeted, massive campaigns to raise brand awareness and reach more people; below the Line, or BTL Marketing, refers to the much smaller and highly targeted world of ads, aimed at individuals and with easy to track returns on investment and a definitive audience

Reception Theory- Decoding Papers 

Stuart Hall - preferred/negotiated and oppositional reading 

1) Preferred reading- when audiences respond to the product the way media producers want/ expect them to 

2) Oppositional reading- when the audience are in disagreement with the product's message or setting 

3) Negotiated reading- when a member of the audience partly agrees with part of the product 


Tinky Winky- preferred: amusing facial expressions and body movements teach children social skills, oppositional: represents homosexuality (handbag) + obesity through body shape, negotiated: might have controversial associations for children

The sun reading: preferred: sexual gratification, agree with stories, oppositional:dismiss the view point of the stories, negotiated: may accept some stories but dismiss others 

Preferred reading: 'caught out' thinking the chase is rigged
Oppositional reading: may disagree with the chase hiding secrets 
Negotiated reading: sometimes they may agree and sometimes not


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