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ADVERTISING - Marketing and Distribution


 ADVERTISING - Marketing and Distribution 

Advertising- payments from brands in return for the placement of promotional material on pages or production (commercial breaks/ product placement)

Could be considered in 2 main ways: 

Traditional advertising= print,trailers,billboards 

Digital advertising= TV, interactive billboards 

Digital advertising- 

Display ads, social media ads, search engine marketing, native advertising, remarking retargeting, video ads, email marketing 

Traditional advertising- 

Pre digital era forms of advertising 

Above- the- line advertising- 

Where mass media is used to promote brands, these include conventional media such as Tv and radio advertising, print and the internet 

(Obvious advertising used to attract mass audiences)

Distribution- how product or brand reaches an audience (web, tv, cinema etc), how its marketed and promoted 

Web 2.0 and technological convergence 

Technological convergence allows audiences to access media content from multiple platforms on one device. It involves the coming together of information and communication technologies to create new ways of producing and distributing products and services to media audiences 

BLACK BOX- device that supplies us with all of our informational and media requirements (e.g smartphone)

The boom was a huge rise in the number of internet-based companies (1998-2001)

Shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 - possibility of staying online and interacting online which really changed this 

Web 2.0=  Allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumers) of user-generated content. 

(New digital media) shaped relations of public/private, work/non work, home/outside home

Mobile phones enhance social connections that have always existed: gossip/making arrangements 

Simulcasting - when a media product is broadcasted both online and via a traditional medium at the same time. (TV- refer to programmes being broadcasted on two different channels) e.g US open tennis tournaments broadcasted on Amazon Prime and TV (advantages in funding/mass audience) 

Impact of online distribution - music can be downloaded, streamed or simulcasted at the click of a button - without ever having to leave your arm chair 


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