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Mainstream -audience that consumes a product that appeals to a wide range of groups and cultures

Niche - audience of a specialist interest media product that may only appeal to a small number o people or those who fall within a specific demographic profile (eg. age, ethnicity)

Narrowcasting - aiming programmes at specific and specialist audiences as opposed to broadcasting to 'mass' audiences.

Chris Anderson: The Long Tail Theory

- Devised by Chris Anderson of Wired magazine

- First published 2004, then as a book in 2009

- Concerns mass vs niche products and audience     

-The theory suggests our culture and economy is shifting away form focus of relatively small number of mainstream products and markets and towards niches.

BARB data

- BARB stands for Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. They collate viewing figures for all the major UK broadcasters such as BBC, TV and Sky. 

 -  BARB website: During September 2018, there were 3.81 million people who watched The X factor in a week.

- ANALYSIS: This data shows that there were more viewers for Strictly come dancing and therefore shows that this is a mainstream audience who favour entertainment (may be an older audience), the less viewers of xfactor suggest that audience prefer strictly come dancing to xfactor - may be an older audience. 

-BARB data can then be used by television companies to assess how well a television series is performing – compared with previous series, for example, or with rival shows on other channels. 

- ANALYSIS: This data shows that the average watch ratings decreased over the years of 2005-17 which suggests that the audience of doctor who may have stopped watching the programme to watch other mainstream programmes such a Lucifer. 


Media producers study the breakdown of their target audiences based on variables in age, ethnicity, gender, economic status/class, level of education, hobbies and interests, and lifestyle choices. 


Profiling of audiences based on personal beliefs, values, interests, and lifestyle. 


The grades are often grouped into ABC1 and C2DE and these are taken to equate to middle class and working class respectively. Only around 2% of the UK population identifies as upper class and this group is not included in the classification scheme.

- This data shows that mainly people from the ages of 25-34 watch love island from tv 
- Younger age groups 16-24 watch love island on pc (streaming websites) 
-Tablet results range from highest best 16-24 year olds to lowest being 35-44 year olds
(this shows the rise in online streaming websites )

Psychographic Profile

- Psychographic information-  buyer's habits, hobbies, spending habits and values.(personality characteristics, lifestyle, social class, attitudes, principles and beliefs, activities and interests) 

-  Demographics-  'who' your buyer is, psychographics- 'why' they buy.

- Effective marketiing- understanding both demo and psychographics 

How to obtain psychographics:

1. Interviewing existing clients

2. Investigating website analytics

Audience needs

Uses & Gratifications theory: 

The Uses and Gratifications Theory assumes audiences actively seek out media to satisfy individual needs.  

The Uses and Gratifications Theory looks to answer three questions:  

  1. What do people do with the media?
  2. What are their underlying motives for using said media?
  3. What are the pros and cons of this individual media use?
We consume media for:

- Information

    - Finding to about relevant events in society and the world

    - Seeking advice

    - Satisfying curiosity and general interest

    - Learning; self-education

    - Gaining a sense of security through knowledge

- Personal Identity

    - Finding reinforcement for personal values

    - Finding models of behaviour

    - Identifying with values others

    - Gaining insight into others

- Integration and Social Interaction

    - Gaining insight into circumstances of others

    - Identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging

    - Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction

    - Having a substitute for real-life companionship

 - Entertainment

    - Escapism 

    - Relaxing

    - Filling time

    - Emotional release

    - Sexual gratification

- Education

- Escapism

Information- news (listened to via radio in the car in the morning), sky news app on my smartphone 

Personal identity - watching youtubers going on holiday enjoying there lives inspires me 

Entertainment- doing workouts to relax and fill time 

Integration-  watching love island every summer then speakng to my friends about it 

Education- watching revision videos online 

Escapism- watching netflix films and series's lets me escape into the world of the film/series 



  1. Hi Lexie,

    These notes are great. Please reply to this message by giving me an example of the long tail theory from the real world. In other words pick a media brand you know that is doing this



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