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Tv Institution Ownership (BBC/ITV)

Media (TV) institution ownership 

    Unit 1 - 2 hour exam, 80 Marks (MEDIA PRODUCTS + AUDIENCES)

    • differences between public and commercial institutions (ITV,CHANNEL 4)


    PSB- Public service broadcaster (made for the public - NO ADVERTS)

    Funded: 75% tv license , 25% sales + publications

    Main features of programmes: informative, distinctive(original),reflect British diversity - promise to viewers





    Funded: Adverts, product placement, sponsorship 

    Exam Q: Explain how PSB operates differently to a commercial company. Use an example to support your answer. 

    PSB companies such as BBC is directly funded through TV licences, sales and publication- with no adverts, whereas commercial companies such as ITV are funded through adverts and product placement. 

    The structure of the BBC 

    The BBC is a cross- media organisation (largest in Europe) - vertically and horizontally integrated 

    Vertical integration- When media company has the ability to control the production (pre, prod, post), distribution and exchange of a product 

    Horizontal Integration- Media company has a number of subsidiary companies that are usedd to support the marketing of its products e.g radio, website 


    Adv- More exposure for the company (smaller companies), promotion, cross media products (more media platforms) 

    Disadv- Shared profits, may take ideas from smaller companies (ownership) 


    Adv- Get all the profit, don’t have to argue about ownership

    Disadv- loose out on profit if you are unsuccessful, lack in variety (monotonous)

    CASE STUDY- Doctor Who 

    - There contains a blog post explaining the episode- Print media (horizontal integration)
    - Wallpapers/ figures - merchandise (horizontal integration) 
    - Link to Iplayer- Tv channels (horizontal integration)
    - Social media links for twitter - Social media((horizontal integration)

    - Companies that are both vertically and horizontally integrated are able to create synergy across their output 
    - This means they are able to promote their output in an efficient way
    - Being advertised across a range of different media via horizontal integration 

    ONLINE AND SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES- BBC website and twitter feed, Doctor who has its own dedication section of the website - The website is interaction, watch trailers and learn more about doctor who franchise (full episodes are available via link to BBC Iplayer)
    PRINT MEDIA AND PRINT ADS- Through radio times magazine - Uses its own magazine to advertise

    TV CHANNEL- Shows can be advertised across different channels 

    MERCHANDISING- Range of doctor who merchandise is available to buy, figurines, mugs 


    Commercial- money through sponsorship, ads and product placement 

    • ITV tends to show reality tv, gossip, social 
    • Less production value than BBC 
    • Launched in 1995, oldest COMMERCIAL network in the uk (BBC-1932) 
    • Provided as competition to BBC 
    • Largest share of uk tv ads - 47.6%
    • Share of viewing for ITV family- 21.7%
    • Registered users on ITV HUB- 21m
    • Aim: provide popular shows that attract audience- leading to higher prices when ads are sold 
    • All commercial stations e.g ITV and channel 5 are funded by advertising  


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