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Film Analysis Theories

Film Analysis

Independent company- a small company has no backing from a major media brand

Conglomerate- a company with a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Join Venture- A joint venture is when 2 companies (e.g independent and conglomerate) work together to create a bigger product.

The Big 6- The main 6 companies that own the biggest market share in the film industry and have alot of power and say over what happens.

Key Terms: 

Verisimilitude - how real the world of the story appears to the audience - is it believable for example.

Diegesis/diegetic world - the world in which the film take places

Juxtaposition - placing one object next to another to create meaning

Narrative theory - theories that categorise narratives and find features common to them

1) Levi Strauss and Binary Opposition: 

- Levi theorised that since all cultures are products of the human brain, there must be, beneath the surface, features that are common to all 

- Structuralism attempted to de- romanticise  the film maker 

- He analysed traditional myths and legends in an attempt to uncover the essential ingredients, or universal laws, of story structure. 

- Lévi-Strauss concluded that all stories need some level of conflict in order to produce meaning. ... Strauss called these conflicts 'binary oppositions'.

- Narrative tension is based on opposition and conflict (two characters fighting, but more often functions at an ideological level)


2) Vladimir Propp - Russian and Soviet formalist scholar:

-He analyses the plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their basic narrative elements 

- He looked at one hundred folk tales and came to conclusion that they were all made up of 31 plot elements which are called function 

- developed 8 character types (Hero, Villain, Helper, Princess/Price, Her father, Donor, False hero, dispatcher) 

HERO= goes on a quest and usually ends up with the princess

VILLAIN= always against the villain 

DISPATCHER= sets the hero off on their quest 

DONER= helps hero and sometimes has magical power/objectg to help 

PRINCESS= usually the prize for the hero, the hero deserves her throughout the story and must overcome a task/defeat the villain to get her

HER FATHER= rewards the hero/identifies false hero 

FALSE HERO= takes credit for the hero's action and tries to end up with princess

THE HELPER= someone who helps the hero on their mission 


HERO= Shrek 

HELPER= Donkey 



DONOR= fairytale characters 

FALSE HERO= prince charming 

Peter Pan:

HERO= Peter Pan 


VILLAIN= Captain Hook 


HELPER= Tinker Bell 

3) Todorov Theory- theory of equilibrium:

- Proposed a basic structure for all narratives

-Begins with equilibrium (calm period)

- Agents of disruption (cause disequilibrium) - period of unsettlement and disquiet 

- Recognition 

- Attempt to repair

- Followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for protagonists and new equilibrium brings chaos to the end 

Peter Pan: 

Equilibrium= The kids sleeping in there room 

Disruption= Peter pan enters 

Realisation= go on quest 




Action Code- what will happen next.... she falls over - will he catch her?

Enigma Code- The audience question why....


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