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Film Attributes

Film Attributes

Denotation - what you can see, for example a red sports car

Connotation - the meaning you derive from a text, for example red=anger

Rick Altman argues that genre offers audiences a set of pleasures:

Emotional Pleasures - how does the text make you feel? happy, sad, nostalgic?

Visceral Pleasures - gut responses, excitement, fear, laughter

Intellectual Pleasures - does it make the audience think? 


Diegetic- sound within world of film (speaking 

Non diegetic- sound not in world of film (sound effects, background music)

Parallel- Sound that matches actions (Notebook- romantic, peaceful music)

Contrapuntal- Sound that doesn't match action (juxtaposes action- makes audience feel uncomfortable, tense)

On screen- Sounds that are on screen/ can see sound 

Off screen- 


Fast paced editing- editing with lots of cuts/changes angle/position- matches action 

Slow paced editing- continuous shots 

Shot reverse shot- usually in conversations to highlight both characters talking 

Chronological editing- plot goes from A to B 

Straight cuts- use to add to realism,continuation of one shot too another in the same place and at the same time


- Costume

- Props

- Colour palette

- Hair and makeup

- Setting

- Lighting

- Performance


- Pacing

- Length of cut

- Transition


- Camera movement

- Camera angle

- Shot size

- Depth of field

- Framing

Clip note: 1st scene of GET OUT 


  • Diegetic: speaking, crickets, walking, on screen car sound, parallel sound, rev of car to make presence known- unsettle protagonist, off screen car music,  gun shot, dog barking, 
  • Non- diegetic: car music, creepy sound score
  • Run rabbit - implying running away
  • Fit the thriller/scary genre/fear
  • 'I'm like a sore thumb out here' - implication to him not being accepted (realism/normality)- link to societal view- not as affluent.
  • Car pulls up next to protagonist- diegetic sound of run rabbit (muffled in car)
  • Run rabbit to non diegetic (loud and clear)
  • Footsteps- diegetic 
  • Along with beat- initial punch 
  • On screen sound of music 
  • Diegetic fighting sounds 
  • Contrapuntal music 'upbeat' - increase in volume/high pitch 
  • Scrape of feet, uncomfortable for audience
  • Upbeat contrapuntal sound plays as he gets put in car 
  • At end of song- emphasised with slamming or car door - parallel, diegetic  (links with methodical idea of scene) 
  • String based instrument in minor key - parallel to event (high pitched, minor key)
  • Scraping fingers on board (goosebumps)- mirrors heartbeat- panic 


  • Tracking backwards 
  • Medium shot 
  • Pan 180* shot - over the shoulder
  • Ark pan shot
  • Over the shoulder shot 
  • Pull focus shot- focus on one thing, poor focus


  • Continuous shot  


  • Really dark lighting - set the scene/ crime tends to take place more in the night time 
  • Affluent clothing- could stereotype his race
  • Dark clothing- blending in/insignificant to society (could relate to societal view)
  • Silhouette - fear/unnerving 
  • Empty street
  • Face half lit
  • White car- purity/ innocence/ isolation- juxtaposes typical connotation of white (binary opposition) in opposition to black 
  • Colour red of car- change from white to red - connotations of red (anger/ threatening) - foreshadowing 
  • White light as spotlight
  • Car is distant proxemics and gets closer 
  • Dragged 'dead rabbit' - steps on beat 


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