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Newspaper: Pamco

 Newspaper: Pamco

Publishing Audience Measurement Company- audience collater (oversees audience measurement for the published media industry)


Compared to 2018-2017: 

Print decreased by 7% in 2020-2019 (55%/48%)

Desktop decrease of 11% in 2020-2019 (37%/28%)

Phone increase of 11% in 2020-2019 (74%/63%)

Tablet increase 3% in 2020-2019 (22%/19%)

This table shows that the rise of technology advances has made newsbrand readership divert to more updated platforms such as phone and tablet (increased %)- more accessable/ portable/ instantly updated


Ipso - Independent Press Standards Organisation 

- Not run by government (freedom of speech, no bias opinions from government)

- Created editors code of practice e.g discrimination, accuracy, harassment 


Explain what readership means

Readership is the term used to describe the readers of a magazine or newspaper

Analysis the data about 'The Sun' and 'Daily Mail' newspapers, describe two differences in terms of their target audience.

One difference is that the sun's readership was primarily by men (2592) with women (1973) whereas the daily mail had a higher readership of women (1854) with men (1742) this shows that the sun's stories mainly target in particular men- this may be due to it's content on sport and other male favoured subjects such as football. 

Another difference is that the social grade for both are different. The sun's social grade is C2DE wheras the daily mail's is ABC1 showing that educated, wealthy readers are more likely to read the daily mail over the sun - suggesting it's content may be more formal and political however while still being a tabloid. 

From your knowledge of demographics describe and justify the type of content that might feature in four newspaper of your choice from the data provided

Newspaper 1 - The sun has the most readership of ages 15-34 suggesting that the readership of the audience is young and youthful

Content and justification- Most content would be celebrity gossip stories with a lack of formal and political stories due to the youthful readership who would prefer to read more laid back stories

Newspaper 2- The times has a higher readership of people with social grades ABC1 (918) over C2DE (96) suggesting that the readership are people with managerial high class jobs

Content and justification- The content of The Times would be formal and informative due to the readership of ABC1 as they are of high class and favour informative content in magazines. 


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