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Newspaper: Textual Analysis

Newspaper: Textual Analysis 

Masthead: main tittle 

Denotation= type face (what)

Connotation= (why) associating to denotation 

Anchorage= the way in which text is used to help pin down the mood or meaning


Broadsheet- more text-heavy, fewer images, Stories about current affairs,

Tabloids- more gossip, more images  

Comparing Tabloid + Broadsheet


Denotation= headlines are exaggerated and informal terms

Connotation= Gossip magazine 

Masthead= big bold masthead, informal, colourful 

Layout= Busy with images 

Images= image heavy, sexualising pictures 

Text= sans serif font- immature/ creative 

Content= informal, gossip stories 

Masthead- uses sans-serif font, with a red background 'red tops', sans serif fonts used throughout the front cover 

Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze: 

Catering to a predominantly male audience , often featuring semi- clad women in its pages- objectified for the male gaze- men gaining sexual gratification from them 


Denotation= headlines are formal and decent

Connotation= due to current and formal stories 

Masthead= big bold masthead, clean and clear

Layout= text heavy 

Images= lack of/ mainly text

Text= serif font- mature/ formal

Content=formal current afairs 


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