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Radio: RAJAR & Audience

RAJAR & Audience 

Rajar= audience collater (Radio Joint Audience Research) measures radio audiences in the UK - jointly owned by the BBC and the radiocentre in behalf of the commercial sector 

- Set up in 1992 

- PSB and Commercial radio 

- Owned: bbc and radiocentre 

- Independent contractor for research- ipsos-Mori 

- Various types of data for analysis 

- Offer training aswell 

- 18% of 32% of people who own a voice activated speaker use it to listen to the radio 
- The most popular place to listen to the radio is at home 60%/ 68% out of listening to radio in a vehicle or work/ elsewhere 

Heart: total hours: 58,322 VS BBC Radio 1: 55,651 Karrang!: 1,661

From your knowledge of contemporary media consumption patterns, describe two possible reasons why the listenership of Hallam FM has decreased since 1999

One possible reason why the readership of Hallam FM has decreased since 1999 due to the diversification of radio onto the internet therefore causing the listening of FM to decrease as the listening on online platforms increased. Another possible reason why the listenership would have decreased is due to the rise of different radio platforms, which made listeners divert to other radio stations.


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